Tuesday, January 24, 2006

All week, I've been dreading today. No way around it, I had to raise 107 dollars to pay our electric bill. Last time I didn't make the payment, it was disconnected. That was not fair to my sister, who is able to pay her bills on time. After all, she can pay the cable bill (which is the same amount of money) so I should be able to pay for electricity, right?

But somehow I got behind. So now I'm having to pay. Every month I've had to make ends meet. But this month I was too hungry. I wanted food. I got selfish. I figured out that if I pawned all the things important to me I could also buy food this month.

Which brings us to today. Today was the pawn date. The date I'd have to pawn everything important to me to pay the bill. Which I would do because I respect myself and my sister enough not to make her sit in cold Southern California without heat.

Last night I stayed up and prayed. I fell asleep feeling safe God would take care of it. At least I got some sleep, as I'm very sleep deprived right now. But I woke up again. And again.
I call the electric company one last time. I ask to hear my statement, it doesn't give me a disconnection date. Scary! what if the disconnect today and I circled the wrong day on the calender? What if the 24th was the cut off date?

I try to post in their little machine 'give me an extension' to force it to give me a date...but no. It sends me to a customer service rep. Now I know they don't just do that, because my electric company hates sending angry people to their phone reps, and a person who is going to be told they can't get an extension is, naturally, going to be angry.

So what happens? I get a nice lady, and she explains that not only can she extend my bill to the 1st, when I will have enough money to pay but that she will break it into three parts so that I can pay the last part in March!
I'm not going to have to pawn my things.


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